trust me im a doctorHere’s some advice from too many TV commercials. ‘Ask your doctor.‘  What could they say?

“Take two pills and call me in the morning.” That was sage advice when all we had were pills, but we’ve gone trans-dermal! When the nicotine patch became available, smokers saw how easy it was to simply take nicotine through the skin. Too bad it didn’t work as well for tobacco chewers. Second hand smoke was easier to take than second hand spit.

(Real science note) The skin is the body’s first defense and will only allow medications whose molecules are small enough to penetrate. (Fake science note) The skin, after becoming addicted to the nicotine patch will leave the body late at night for a trip to the 7-11 for smokes. (This could be the reason for those strange dreams of running down the street naked)

Let’s ‘ask our doctor’ to research a trans-dermal patch that releases dark chocolate through the skin all day long.

Thank Goodness theobromine fits that bill. Theobromine is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate and imparts a ‘deliciousness’ to the palate and with any luck at all will be able to be transmitted through the skin with a trans-dermal patch.

Let’s develop it now!

Dieticians at St George’s Hospital in London said they have tested a skin patch that releases whiffs of vanilla and other scents that help to reduce cravings for chocolates among other high-calorie sweets.

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