Winterfest, Inc. is known for its spectacular waterway Parade. Within this signature event is a program directed towards Broward County’s non-profits. Eight years ago, the Winterfest Junior Captain program was created as a legacy of 15-year-old Amanda Blake who battled osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. The Wasie Foundation and the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation introduced this young cancer warrior to Winterfest, Inc. and she became an angelic face of hope in the battle against all odds during the first year of the program. Winterfest Advisory Member, Jen Klaassens with its President & CEO, Lisa Scott-Founds, and Event Director, Dawn Read, met Amanda prior to losing her battle. This monumental gathering changed the tradition of the Parade forever.

Amanda Blake's legacy continues as Winterfest annually honors a child nominated by a Broward County non-profit organization. The nominees must be 16 years or under and best represent the services provided by the charity. The Winterfest Junior Captain Contest is social media based and promotes the participating non-profits within Winterfest’s platforms giving additional awareness of the organization during cross promotions.

Four years ago, FPL dedicated support to the program with a fully decorated showboat. The winning nominee, family and non-profit organization receive 25 tickets aboard the Jr. Captain Showboat powered by FPL with the child’s name and charity in lights. All nominees receive tickets to enjoy the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade.

The contest runs in September. For more information on how you submit a nominee today to represent a Broward County non-profit organization, please call 954.767.0686 or visit" style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%">  for more details.

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