Thanksgiving is a treasured American holiday when we gather together as a community, embrace our differences, celebrate our diversity, and unite in giving thanks for the blessings of faith, family, and freedom.

This year, Fort Lauderdale has so much for which to be thankful. Our economy is booming, jobs are plentiful, businesses are moving in, and crime is at its lowest point in decades. Tourism is on a record-breaking pace, unemployment is low, property values are rising, and real estate development is strong. Private investment is surging, our tax rate remains the lowest among the 25 largest cities in Florida, and we just hosted one of the most successful Boat Show's in history!

On this Thanksgiving, I am especially grateful to our City employees for the exceptional job you do building community, meeting the needs of our neighbors, and maintaining our exceptional quality of life.

I offer my heartfelt thanks to our neighbors for your continued participation, engagement, and support of City programs, activities and initiatives. Your passion, determination, and spirit demonstrate the power of community involvement and stand as a shining example that our greatest achievements have been accomplished together.

On this day of reflection and promise, let us rededicate ourselves to building a better tomorrow by focusing on unity over division; acceptance over intolerance; inclusion over exclusion; forgiveness over hatred; understanding over fear; peace over violence; and solutions over problems.

In addition, let us all make an extra effort to spread the blessings of Thanksgiving by sharing the gifts of service, friendship, kindness, and compassion with those in need. By doing so, we can all make Fort Lauderdale an even better place to live, work, play, visit, and raise a family.

May God bless you and your families on Thanksgiving and may God Bless America.

John P. "Jack" Seiler

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