Beachside properties

We can all agree that Florida is a beautiful place to live. The lovely beaches, the fantastic weather, the endless outdoor activities. However, what is it like to own property in Florida? Well, the sad reality of the fact is, it's a challenge. Those same amazing weather conditions, beaches, and sea make maintaining an oceanfront property a nightmare! You need to constantly struggle to keep the elements out of your home, with the saltwater making the task of keeping your house pretty all the more difficult. Well, here are some maintenance tips for your oceanfront home in Florida to help keep your property in top shape despite all the challenges!

Manage humidity

The hot balmy weather is not your friend. The added complication of having a constant source of humidity right outside of your home does not help either. If you do not want to constantly deal with mold, watermarks, and warped wood, you will have to carefully manage humidity in your home. An AC is an excellent start since it can help keep the temperature down and prevent some damage, but it can also cause condensation. This is why we recommend you buy a dehumidifier. It will help remove some of the moisture from the air, which will both make the space more comfortable and stop the worst water damage from occurring.

Prioritize resistant materials

Elements can easily damage your home. The constant wind buffeting your windows with sand can crack them, and the saltwater easily rusts metal. This is why fiberglass and stainless steel are your friends! In addition, paint gets easily flaked or scraped off, which means you would have to paint the façade of your home every few months if you insist on doing so in the first place. We recommend going for a wooden façade in the first place, though make sure it is properly lacquered and treated! All of this is especially important if you want to create an outdoor living space since such installations are particularly susceptible to damage.

Waterproof your home

It might seem obvious, but if you live on the oceanfront, water will be an issue. Especially in the case of heavy winds or rain, you want to have your home properly secured. You can achieve this in several ways: If you want wooden doors and windows, silicone sealants are necessary to deal with any gaps left as 'breathing room' for the wood. On the other hand, PVC doors and windows are a much better solution due to their resistance to water damage and leakage.

Perform regular roof maintenance

Following in the vein of our previous advice, you need to keep your roof in good condition. This is important for preventing elements from invading your home. It is imperative to inspect and repair it every spring and fall since it is part of preparations for the heavier rainfall and winds. If you notice any significant damage to your roof, especially during winter, you might want to temporarily move out. It might be tricky to move in such weather, but reputable experts can help get you and your belongings out before they sustain heavy damage and you have to replace them.

Clean your windows regularly

Now, we have mentioned the preferred materials used for windows. However, even they are not impervious to damage. Salt particles tend to accumulate on glass and rubber parts of your windows, which will, over time, cause irreparable damage. This is why we recommend using fresh water to rinse and then wipe them down at least twice per month. If not more often during periods of tumultuous weather.

Put in hardwood floors

The thing you need to know about living in Florida is that the sand gets everywhere. And we do mean everywhere. If you decide to opt for the more traditional rugs, expect them to be nearly ruined from constant vacuuming within months. This is what makes hardwood floors a much more reasonable and cleaner solution. You can easily maintain them, and sand will not be able to find a permanent dwelling in your home. Besides, while you are having the new floor put in, you can take the chance and organize a backyard vacation. It will get you out of the house and offer a nice distraction from all the work.

Regularly maintain metal parts

Due to the previously mentioned humidity and saltwater, the metal parts of your home can suffer some damage very quickly. This is the case even with stainless steel since salt particle buildup will eventually start to corrode it. This is why you should regularly wipe down door locks and hinges because they are particularly exposed. You might also want to use silicone spray or WD-40 oil for additional protection.

Get regular inspections

Most people think of home inspectors only when buying or selling a home. In actual fact, they can also be crucial in keeping your home well maintained. With professional knowledge, they can spot issues you would never notice on your own. When it comes to home maintenance, the sooner you detect a problem, the cheaper and easier it is to fix! However, if the inspector notices significant issues, especially concerning mold and water damage, you might want to move house quickly.  If this happens, pick up the phone and call Nationwide Moving Services to help you do so in a hurry!

Clean your home often

There are many reasons to move to Florida, but the ease of keeping your house clean is not one of them. You will need to clean both the exterior and interior of your home quite often.  You will have to do it to keep the sand, humidity, and salt crystals from doing permanent damage to your property.

Final Word

We hope that our maintenance tips for your oceanfront home in Florida will help keep your house in good condition and your items safe from the elements! Just remember: this is a price you have to pay for the stunning views you get to see every day. So, don't think of it as too much of a burden. It is manageable if you do everything you need to do regularly.

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