Guy Harvey

The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF) will host its 13th annual fundraising banquet to raise awareness of and funds for ocean conservation with an in-person celebration on Friday, October 29 from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Lauderdale Yacht Club, 1725 Southeast 12th Street, in Fort Lauderdale. Attire is island cocktail. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, tickets are limited.

Each year, the GHOF honors researchers, anglers, divers and conservationists who have demonstrated a lifetime of appreciation for the world’s natural resources and have worked to instill that appreciation in the next generation.

Dr. Harvey and his daughter Jessica Harvey will entertain guests with news of exciting initiatives underway. Guests will celebrate the oceans and enjoy dinner, cocktails and a live and silent auction with original Guy Harvey artwork, exciting trips and unique gifts.

Among the auction items are original and reproduced Guy Harvey artwork, exotic vacations, jewelry, gift baskets and other unique gift items, just in time for the holidays.

Proceeds from the evening benefit the GHOF’s ocean research and education efforts. The GHOF recently launched a marine science curriculum for middle and high school students based on Dr. Harvey’s decades of scientific research. GHOF is making marine and environmental science more engaging with virtual field trips that include diving with sharks, investigating mangrove environments, witnessing sea turtles nesting and examining the impacts of pollution, climate change and overfishing on the marine world.

The GHOF conducts scientific research and hosts educational programs aimed at conserving the marine environment. The Foundation also funds affiliated researchers working to better understand our ocean ecosystem and educators helping to foster the next era of marine conservationists. The GHOF will help ensure that future generations can enjoy and benefit from a properly balanced ocean ecosystem.

Tickets are $300 per person, and a table of 10 is $2,500. To purchase tickets, visit or email

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