If you're really going to see some of the best Fort Lauderdale has to offer, you're going to have to get wet.

Fort Lauderdale is considered one of the world's best scuba diving destinations. If you don't dive, and you're looking to learn how to scuba, there are a few things to keep in mind.

There are dozens of local places offering training, at all levels – from novice through advanced technical diver. Either dive schools or dive shops can give you your certification, which you'll need to be able to rent equipment at most places, or to join an outing on most dive boats. Kids as young as 10 can get certified.

Picking the right school for you, though, involves more than just picking the one that's most convenient, or cheapest.

The most important thing, says Master Instructor Colum Sullivan of Aqua Sports Inc., at 757 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale, is "safety, safety, safety. We live by the motto, 'If it's not safe, it won't be fun for long.'"

Colum's tips:

Check out the school's safety record: NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instructors) offers an online ethics and quality assurance check, where you can ask about the training program's safety record and practices.

Same for the instructor's experience: You're establishing habits that will last you a (hopefully long) lifetime when you start out. The longer your instructor has been teaching says a lot about how good he or she is.

Cheap isn't necessarily better: "We always tell them skimp on the T-shirt and your margaritas when on vacation but not on your safety and training."

What does the price include? Some cut-rate programs don't include all the books, equipment and fees you'll need to complete your scuba diving certification. Once you add on those things, it could end up costing you more than an all-inclusive school's price.

How old is too old? When your health becomes an issue, says Colum. Heart or other conditions could be dangerous when you're out in the water far from land. Which means you should check with your doctor before you sign up.

Then, go ahead, dive in.

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