Due to the pandemic, businesses around the country have been hit hard. Many were closed for the short term, but others will not be able to bounce back. The good news is that the New Year ushers in a fresh opportunity to thrive and stand out. There are numerous things that companies can do to get noticed and grow their customer base in 2021. Adding just a few of them can go a long way toward ensuring longevity and success.

“The New Year is a great time to go with some purposeful goals, especially after such a difficult year for so many,” explains Hank Frecon, the chief executive officer of Source Digital. “Every person who owns a business or who manages one should take the time to pause and create a plan for the future.”

Over the last year, many businesses have had to review their policies, procedures, and make new plans for how to survive. Going forward, it’s time to do more than just try to survive. It’s time to get back to ensuring that the business will thrive. Here are some things that can help businesses thrive and stand out in 2021:

  • Renew your commitment. Start the year off by reminding yourself why you do what you do. Remember the purpose, the why, and renew that commitment you made when you started the business or took on the mission of promoting it.
  • Improve your advertising. Too much time and money is wasted on ineffective advertising and marketing. One of the most important moves you can make this year in this area is to focus on making your video advertising more productive. With video advertising being the hottest route, it’s important to get it right. This is something that Source Digital has helped many companies do, by creating Source Activated Moments (SAMs). The new ad technology autonomously allows interaction and removes engagement guesswork, thus making video advertising more effective.
  • Try something new. As we have learned from this past year, it’s important to adapt and be willing to try new ways of doing things. If a business can adapt to changes, they will have an easier time thriving.
  • Share your story. When people get to know your story, they make a connection. Those connections will add lead to a strong sense of loyalty from your customer base. Use social media and other routes to let people know who you are, what the mission of your company is, why you do what you do, etc.
  • Focus on customer satisfaction. Most businesses focus on profits, but that’s not the best route to take. Instead, focus on providing the best customer service you can. When you do that, the profits will fall right in line. A highly satisfied customer base will always lead to strong profits.
  • Focus on what works. This year, get tough with yourself and ditch what isn’t working. Take stock at what works and what doesn’t, and ditch the things that don’t work. They only serve to slow you down and take energy from those things that could make your company more successful overall.

“A new year is a welcome opportunity to make new goals for the future, which are especially needed at this time,” added Frecon. “By doing this, your business will have a better chance at success, your employees will be happier, and you will feel great about the contribution you are making.”

Source Digital’s technology is taking the advertising industry forward by giving marketers a unique way to reach their target market and by helping viewers avoid the annoying ads that can take them away from primary video content. Viewers not only save time and ease efforts toward acquisition through this technology, they are ensured that their privacy is not violated; a big concern for most viewers.

Source Digital has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies to help create a more engaging and effective video advertising experience. The Source network is able to pull targeted content from a variety of sources, including NBC Universal, GOLF, LiveNation, MotorTrend, and many professional sports influencers. To learn more about Source Digital, visit: www.sourcedigital.net

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