A guide to Fort Lauderdale suburbs

Relocating to a place with a lot of great suburbs is a fantastic decision, especially if you're planning on starting a family. The suburbs and their surroundings usually offer not only safety and peace but are further designed to accustom all the needs of a new family. From great educational opportunities to activities that your children will love, you can find it all in the Fort Lauderdale suburbs. However, choosing the right neighborhood for you is crucial. Here's some advice on finding the perfect place for your future home and how to get there.

Why are Fort Lauderdale suburbs so great?

No matter which one of the suburbs in Fort Lauderdale you end up choosing, you won't regret it. There are many different reasons why this place is popular amongst families. Here are some pros that'll show you just how wonderful life here can be:

  • Lots of great places to live

If you're looking for a place to build a home and enjoy your life, there's no better choice. What so great is that, although relatively close-knit, all the neighborhoods have very different characteristics. The most popular suburbs are usually the ones closest to the beach since people enjoy all the various activities this offers them.

  • Affordability

Although quite a popular place to live, nearly all the suburbs in Fort Lauderdale are pretty affordable. With an average property value of around $312,000, the price is pretty reasonable compared to the surrounding areas.

  • The glorious weather

The greatest thing about the weather in Fort Lauderdale is its consistency. Even with all the inevitable changes because of global warming, the weather here is still delightful.

  • Education

Fort Lauderdale has an excellent educational system. It has the sixth-biggest school district in the whole US. There are nearly 300 schools to choose from, and most of them offer high-quality education. The best thing about the educational system in Fort Lauderdale is that it provides quality at all education levels, which means that your young ones could stay home even through their college years.

Hire movers to help you get there

Of course, once you've decided to move to one of the Fort Lauderdale suburbs, make sure to do it right. Hire the right company to help you through this process. Especially if you're moving from far away, having a reliable moving company by your side is truly necessary. If you have been between two minds about whether to hire the guys from statetostatemove.com or DIY the whole thing, go for the former. People experienced in interstate mover will ensure that you go through this experience as smooth as possible.

Choose the best neighborhood for your family

Depending on what you're after, you'll choose the most suitable out of all the Fort Lauderdale neighborhoods. You need to take all your needs and wishes into consideration. Are you looking for a safe environment for you and your kids? Are you moving with your significant other and looking for a good time and outstanding fine dining options? There are a lot of different elements that you need to consider. Of course, you won't be able to fulfill all your requirements and will need to prioritize. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try.

Victoria Park

One of the neighborhoods that everyone first thinks about when they hear Fort Lauderdale suburbs is Victoria Park. It has very many benefits and very few flaws. It's very close to the beach, as well as all the important highways. People who live here also have access to all the amenities they could ever need. If you're looking for a neighborhood with all the modern age's perks while still keeping the Old Floridian feel, look no further. Not only does the place have a great personality, but so do its residents. With its large estates and beautiful architectural properties, who wouldn't be happy to spend their time here? If you fancy yourself a fan of both interior and exterior design, you'll love the choice you'll have. And it will become evident the moment you begin searching for your future home, seeing how Victoria Park features everything from single-family dwellings through townhomes to apartment buildings.

Coral Ridge

Another Fort Lauderdale neighborhood that will impress you very quickly is Coral Ridge. It also has a pretty diverse and rich real estate selection, which often draws people to it in the first place. You can have your pick from single-family homes to larger pieces of property. You'll quickly find everything you need without having to drive too far from the neighborhood. Apart from being convenient and up-to-date, the neighborhood is also very peaceful and safe. This makes Coral Ridge an excellent place for families with young children.

Colee Hammock

Although a mouthful, Colee Hammock is much more than just a neighborhood with a strange name. It's one of the oldest and most prominent suburbs in Fort Lauderdale. The area is very near the ocean, right beside Intercoastal Highway. It's truly a neighborhood where people of all backgrounds come together. There, you'll find everybody, from people that belong to the wealthiest class to those who work hard for a living. This diversity is one of the things that make this place unique.

Destress after your move

Even though you're moving to the Fort Lauderdale suburbs, where you'll lead a peaceful and pleasant life, relocations can be pretty stressful. It's essential to destress after your move and unwind a bit. This is the perfect time to explore your neighborhood and those surrounding it further and find your favorite spots.

You can also make weekends more fun by visiting the beautiful beaches and trying out all the best spots for dining out.

There are, of course, some neighborhoods that didn't make it up on this list but deserve honorable mentions. So, why not explore them as well.

  • Plantation
  • Wilton Manors
  • Dania Beach
  • Coral Springs

Make an informed decision

Although this was a great place to start looking for Fort Lauderdale suburbs, don't let your research end here. Make sure to explore many sources of information and always follow your intuition too. Try to be as meticulous as possible and once you've made your decision, act on it fast and don't look back.

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